Freelance Niches With Low Competition You Should Consider in 2022

Freelance Niches With Low Competition You Should Consider in 2022

Gone are the days when freelance work served as a part time source of income. Nowadays, just about anyone can make a decent living by working full time from home. Every day, the advancement of technology takes us closer to an easier life where things are done faster and better. Going freelance is one sure way to earn good income from the comfort of your home, and without the difficulties present in office environments today. 

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As a freelancer, you've got lots of prospects. Let's start by mentioning the freedom and flexibility of work you'll enjoy. It is super easy! Freelancers from all over the world don't bother about waking up at 5AM in the morning and preparing to rush to work like every other employee does. The freelance lifestyle covers all that. Also, you have the opportunity to choose your pay rates, schedule your working hours and meet wonderful clients across the globe - all from the comfort of your home. 

Although freelancing is a promising career, you need to be aware of some niches with low competition that can help you earn more money in your career, whether you're experienced or not. For beginners, low competition skills help you build your profile, skills and reviews for better opportunities in the future.   

In this article, we have out together five (5) freelance niches with very low competition that you should consider before choosing your ideal freelance niche. Here are the top 5 weirdest freelance niches with the lowest competition rates you can ever think of! 

1. User Testing

A user tester is an individual who is paid to interact with a product and share their sincere thoughts on the experience they had while interacting with the product. In this case, product is a relative term. The failure or success of online companies depends solely on the results of tests carried out by users. 

You may have come across websites with pretty bad designs that forces you to immediately leave the webpage. Such bad experiences can be avoided by serious user testing. User testers are in high demand, although very few freelancers are aware of this. You should consider taking up user testing roles too because an average user tester earns from $12 to $25 per hour. 

2. Audio Transcription

Transcription has proven to be a reliable source of income for skilled professionals who are okay with analyzing audio files and converting what they hear into written word, according to a given format or guideline. Companies today use transcripts as part of their content publishing strategy. 

Captions, subtitles and podcast transcripts are all needed for content marketing purposes. The demand for transcribers is very high. The job requires that you have a good command of a generally accepted language, for example: English, a good eye for detail, and an ability to work alone comfortably. Transcribers world over earn an average hourly rate of $15 to $30 and an average annual income of $40,000. 

Transcription and translation works hand-in-hand. Both roles can open you up to a whole new world of opportunities! 

3. Product Listing

More and more businesses have gone online. Ecommerce companies have realized now more than ever that they can reach more customers through the Internet. To reach more customers, they hire expert product listers to create listings for their products sold online. It is very easy. 

As a product lister, your job is to create lists of products online. All you have to do is collect details of products which a particular ecommerce companies wants to sell online and then list/post these products on ecommerce platforms like Amazon, Alibaba or even Shopify. 

You will be required to write contents describing the product features, checking that the listing is optimized for search and ensuring that your contents follow the same format all the way. It is very simple. And guess what? On an average, product listers make $18 per hour and a whopping $38,278 a year! 

4. Cold Calling

It is no news that every business needs a salesperson to pitch ideas to her prospects. A cold caller is a virtual salesperson tasked with reaching individuals who have not yet shown interest in a product, and convinces them to try the product. Cold calling is a very age-old technique that involves direct phone calls or telemarketing. 

Expert cold callers are also tasked with visiting prospects as is the case with regular salespersons. You need to have excellent communication skills, both spoken and written, to excel in this sector. Cold callers worldwide earn an average of $20 per hour. The greatest benefit of handling cold calling roles is that you learn on the job. Easy peasy! 

5. Video Scriptwriting

A video script acts as a blueprint for the creation of your video. It guides the actions, scenes, dialogues as well as characters required for the video proper. The success or failure of any video published online depends largely on the script used to produce that video. Sadly, there are only very few video script writers. 

Many freelancers focus on content writing and copywriting, ignoring the fact that writing video scripts could land them bigger projects with better pay. As more companies require videos for marketing purposes, the demand for video script writers is on a steady climb. You should consider writing video scripts because scriptwriters earn an average of $50 per minute and $70,050 per year. Wouldn't you want something like that? 


While there are so many high-in-demand skills that can earn you decent money, choosing to niche-down is a great way to separate yourself from crowd and stay above the competition. The number of people choosing freelance over fulltime work is increasing everyday. 

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In order to get more jobs and better pay, you need to consider the freelance niches mentioned above. Low competition niches will help you stay in the game while hoping for the best in the future. We do not guarantee overnight success though, but with consistency and focus, you will soon be wel l on your way to success as a freelancer! 

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