Freelance Photography

Freelance Photography

A single photograph speaks a thousand silent words and passes millions of messages. The quality of your photograph can go a long way in determining what you can achieve. The camera lens captures the seen and the unseen. It is without a doubt, one of the greatest inventions in human history.

Importance Of A Good Picture

Most times your pictures are a representation of you. They stand in for you in your absence and can be useful in many ways. Having a bad picture is as good as not having any picture at all. So here are the reasons and importance of having good pictures:

  • Your picture is your person
  • Your picture depicts what you stand for and believe in 
  • Your picture can influence job decisions
  • Social media impact


1. Your Picture Is Your Person

Like you already know, your picture represents you directly. There are platforms where you don't have to be present all the time but your picture is there for you. Now, imagine having a bad picture or an unprofessional picture so to say. The idea is that you should have good pictures that speak good of you at all times. Your pictures are you. In a freelance platform like UpMyChain, you need to put up a picture that can attract clients and make them feel safe working with you. A picture that lacks good quality will most likely be a bad representation of you. In virtually every platform, there's always a provision for profile pictures. You know why? It's simple. Your picture means you because nobody sees you in person online but your pictures serve as you. Remember freelance is an online venture, so pictures are a big part of freelance and by extension, every other form of online business. We have different types of photographs:

  • Photographs of you as a person
  • Photographs of your product
  • Photographs of logo representing your organization
  • Photographs of office building where necessary
  • Miscellaneous photographs

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2. Your Picture Depicts What You Stand For And Believe In

Every photograph carries a message either by gesture or non gesture. How you position yourself during photo sessions goes a long way in determining how the picture will come out and by that, it sends a message to whoever comes across it. It is either you are sending a good message or otherwise. You must be intentional in your photos. Don't just assume any picture posture without taking cognizance of the message it carries. A professional should look like one in his or her pictures. These are basic facts about photography which are hitherto unknown to many people. You can't walk into a website to talk physically about what you believe in and stand for but your pictures can always do the talking for you. 

3. Your Picture Can Influence Job Decisions

How you look in your profile gives the client a hint into the kind of person you are. Clients consider little details before going into job agreement with freelancers and the picture of a freelancer is an integral part of this consideration. You cannot upload pictures that show you're not sure of yourself or unprofessional pictures and expect a client to feel comfortable working with you. Freelance scam abounds and these are some of the factors people check to determine the authenticity of a freelancer and even a client. Your picture can decide whether you're getting a particular job or not. Make no mistakes about this. 

4. Social Media Impact

Many people assume that social media is merely a place to catch fun and mingle with people. Because of this mindset, you see many of them uploading private pictures that are not meant for public eyes. Now imagine what becomes of them when they decide to work as freelancers and their social media photographs become a stumbling block to their progress. The world is now a global village and your online presence on different platforms are interconnected. Social media is a very powerful tool but you must be wary of the pictures you upload there. As a freelancer, you must be professional at all times and in every platform, whether freelance platform or social media platform. 

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How To Work As A Freelance Photographer

Freelance is typically carried out online, so you may not necessarily have to snap a client. So basically, your duty as a freelance photographer is to give professional touches and powerful editing effects to clients' pictures. This means that clients will have to send you their pictures to be edited. Now, how can you succeed in this field? Let's consider the following steps:

  • Be a good photographer first 
  • Be a good photo editor
  • Understand the idea of photo effects and implement it


1. Be A Good Photographer First

You cannot possibly become a great photo editor when you do not know the basics of photography. You must first and foremost know how to take simple pictures and come up with great results. This is the very first step to working and succeeding as a freelance photographer. A freelance photographer is essentially a photo editor because all you do is edit pictures for clients but you cannot be a good photo editor when you are not a good photographer for starters.

2. Be A Good Photo Editor

A photo editor must possess the following qualities:

  • Creativity
  • Imagination
  • Cognition
  • Talent
  • Passion

You cannot actually edit pictures without having the right editing apps and tools. So being a good photo editor is not just about having the above qualities. If you have these qualities and do not have access to the editing apps that would help you implement your ideas and skills, then it is as good as having nothing. So to become a great photo editor, have these qualities above for a start, then know the right editing apps to use. There are many editing apps available, so you must know the most effective ones for your work. After deciding the best editing app or group of editing apps, then you can go ahead and down them and set them up. So we use five steps here:

  • Possess the five qualities - creativity, imagination, cognition, talent and passion
  • Choose the right editing apps for your device and work model
  • Download the selected editing apps
  • Set up the downloaded editing apps
  • Start editing


3. Understand The Idea Of Photo Effects And Implement It

It is important for you as a photo editor to understand some of the effects used on photos and why they are used. When you do this, you'd be in a better position to know what effects to use in any photo and when to use them. You'd find most of these effects on editing apps and without a good knowledge of how to use them, you are likely going to make the mistake of using them wrongly. A freelance photographer must learn and be perfect in the selection and use of photo effects. You must pay close attention to the uniqueness of each picture before deciding on what effect to use.

Easy Answers

  1. Be a good photographer first
  2. Be a good photo editor
  3. Understand the idea of photo effects and implement it

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