How To Become A Successful Freelancer

How To Become A Successful Freelancer

Becoming A successful freelancer is possible. It is not rocket science and those who have succeeded in freelance are humans like you. However it is important for you to know that the success of every human begins from the mind. The mind births and nourishes every great idea until they become reality. It is your duty as a freelancer to understand that success will not fall on you simply because you wish to have it. A positive mind takes positive steps instead of sitting idly and waiting for miracles to happen. Whatever you have conceived in your mind, you can achieve it. But to achieve that, you must make a move. You must act. You must do something. Get working, get busy and get going. Freelance does not reward those who only wish. It rewards those who work and the reward is usually bountiful. Do I think you can succeed in freelance? Yes and in fact, I don't only think but I actually know that you achieve great success in freelance. All you have to do is put in the work. 

Table Of Contents

  • Mindsets for freelance success
  • How to become a successful freelancer
  • Dos and don'ts in freelance

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You cannot make headway without having the right mindset. Your mind controls your life and determines to a large extent what you become. There are certain mindsets every freelancer must have if they desire to become successful. I keep telling people that success begins from the mind. What you think is who you are. The kind of mindset you have will either make or mar you as a freelancer. A successful freelancer first attains success in his mind before it becomes reality. If you think you can succeed as a freelancer, then you can. Also, if you think freelancing is impossible for you, then it is. There's nothing you can't do when you have a positive mindset and also there's nothing you can do when your mind is already occupied with negativity and doubt. 

Freelancing can be the easiest job in the world and at the same time, the hardest job in the world. It all depends on your mindset. The right mindsets for freelance success are:

  • The mindset that you can do it
  • The mindset that you have the ability to learn
  • The improvement mindset

1 The mindset that you can do it

If you must succeed as a freelancer, you must first believe that you can do whatever you put your mind to. This is the very beginning of success in freelancing. A successful freelancer has a firm belief and confidence in himself or herself. There's no magic that can change anything when you already concluded that you cannot do something. A freelancer who is interested in doing very well in this chosen career must strive to be able to do what is asked of them. A freelancer who believes they can do it will definitely make headway. My breakthrough in freelance came when I made up my mind to go ahead and do it because I believed I could do it. 

2. The mindsets that you have the ability to learn

A freelancer is learning everyday. The right mindset for success is to believe that you actually have the ability to learn. Learning requires a right mind because an unsound mind cannot learn. So you must prepare yourself to learn by having a mindset that continually says that yes I can learn anything I want to learn. This mindset makes you believe that:

  • You can learn from anybody
  • You can learn at anytime, any day
  • You can learn from every situation


A successful freelancer does not place a limit on where and when he or she can learn. If there's something to be learnt, a freelancer will be willing to learn it even very early in the morning or late into the night. A failure runs away when he or she is faced with difficulty. Freelancing is definitely not a bed of roses but you can succeed when you learn to learn from both the good and the bad situations.

3. The improvement mindset

Don't relent dear freelancer. One mindset that can help you succeed is to believe you can get better and better. Having a mindset that believes you can Improve will help you succeed. Don't think about the bad times too much. You can improve. Don't worry about the dissatisfied client. You can improve. Don't be discouraged, just keep thinking about getting better.


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The following are things you must do to become a successful freelancer:

  • Get the right skills
  • Manage your time
  • Manage your relationships
  • Manage your resources
  • Manage yourself

1. Get The Right Skills

There are freelance skills that can help you become very successful in the shortest possible time. Freelance success is possible when you acquire the right skills.

2. Manage your time

If you are able to manage your time properly, you'd do great in freelance. A successful freelancer must learn how to take control of and manage their time.

3. Manage your relationships

As a freelancer, you'd get into relationships with clients and fellow freelancers. Learn how to manage these relationships and make the best use of them if you must become a successful freelancer. Your relationships can play a pivotal role in your freelance journey.

4. Manage your resources

There are tools you work with as a freelancer. The most common freelance tool is the computer system or laptop or smartphone. A wise freelancer must learn to manage these resources very well in order to meet their freelance goals. Other tools are those applications you download from the internet to aid your work. Ensure these tools are in good working condition always. A good freelance platform like UpMyChain is the best resource one can have access to.

5. Manage yourself

You are the most important part of freelance. Without you, those gadgets cannot handle themselves. Without you, these jobs cannot be done. You must ensure you take good care of yourself. Stay healthy, eat well and get adequate rest and sleep always. If you don't manage yourself, no one else will.


These are must do:

  • Do well to get skills
  • Do well to take care of yourself
  • Do well to research
  • Do well to stay sincere and honest
  • Do ensure you maintain healthy relationships

These are the general don'ts of freelance:

  • Don't assume
  • Don't tell lies
  • Don't try to cheat
  • Don't take another's work
  • Don't give false information and impression
  • Don't run ahead of yourself

Easy Answers

  1. The mindset that you can do it
  2. The mindset that you have the ability to learn
  3. The improvement mindset
  4. Get the right skills
  5. Manage your time
  6. Manage your relationships
  7. Manage your resources
  8. Manage yourself

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