How To Outsmart AI & Use Them To Supercharge Your Work

How To Outsmart AI & Use Them To Supercharge Your Work

The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are both thrilling and alarming. While it is inevitable that certain freelance jobs may soon be replaced by AI, the majority of professions remain secure for the foreseeable future. However, it is crucial that we take proactive measures and make preparations for the AI-dominated era that lies ahead. 

Rather than living in fear of being replaced by AI, or abandoning freelance work in search of more conventional employment, it's time to explore ways to use this technology to our advantage. Not all AI tools are detrimental; in fact, they can be highly effective when utilized correctly in freelance work. 

As a full-time freelance writer, I too was initially apprehensive about AI. However, I discovered a method to outwit the technology and leverage it to enhance my workflow. Here's how I did it.

AI Tools are Learning Fast

The emergence of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney in 2022 surprised me. Despite knowing that AI was in development, their rapid advancement caught me off, guard.

The media coverage of ChatGPT came as a shock to many, with some becoming disheartened about the possibility of it replacing their jobs. Already, the IT support industry is feeling its impact, and other professions like copywriting, programming, designing, and more, could follow suit.

It's incredible to witness how quickly these AI technologies are evolving. They have the ability to learn at an impressive rate and rectify their weaknesses in a matter of days. Since its beta release in late 2022, ChatGPT has undergone numerous iterations.

The competitive nature of the AI industry has led to some startups falling behind after being outshone by ChatGPT's capabilities. As previously discussed, AI writing tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it's a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

How Are You Going To React?

Initially, I had no concerns about the capabilities of AI tools. I believed that it would be many years before they could surpass human intelligence and that they could never match the creativity of humans. However, my opinion soon changed after exploring ChatGPT and Midjourney, as their level of sophistication became apparent to me.

I began to worry about the possibility of losing my job as a writer to an AI program and having to settle for a low-paying job. But, I soon realized that this wasn't necessarily a negative development.

In fact, I understood that with a little creativity, AI tools could enhance my writing abilities, as they allowed me to learn faster, discover information more quickly, and receive assistance in becoming a better writer.

The advancements in AI technology come with both advantages and drawbacks. Ultimately, the way we perceive and respond to these developments is what truly matters.

Recommended: Will ChatGPT Replace Web Developers? Exploring The Future Of The Industry

How To Outsmart AI

As an average human being, I acknowledge that AI tools have a significantly higher intellect compared to me, making me incapable of outsmarting them. Nonetheless, I have something AI lacks: the ability to command it.

Although AI tools possess the strength to replace jobs, they still need human input. Hence, only humans can operate them for now. It is advisable to master AI tools like ChatGPT and include them in your daily routine to ensure job security.

Remarkably, the AI industry has new job opportunities in prompt engineering that require AI tool controllers. Consequently, there will be more job vacancies in this field to explore shortly.

As one door closes, another opens! 

5 Ways To Take Advantage Of AI

AI tools can help you with your job, but you have to figure out how to use them. This depends on the industry and the type of job you have.

Here's how I use ChatGPT to improve my writing skills.

My Own Research Assitant


I always dreamt of having my own assistant to research for my articles. Thanks to ChatGPT, I now have one.

ChatGPT is the perfect companion for doing research on topics. Whenever I want to grab a quote or a statistic on a specific topic, I just ask ChatGPT to search for it for me. With just a few clicks, ChatGPT will find the information I'm looking for and make my research process less repetitive and more efficient.

Critique My Work

I also asked ChatGPT to critique my work. Getting constructive criticism is the best way to improve your skills. ChatGPT does a great job of analyzing my work and giving me specific tips to improve. Sometimes it can be a bit harsh, though.

Create Quick Outlines

Before I get started on an article, I often create a basic outline. This usually involves a lot of thinking on my part. But now, I've started asking ChatGPT to write outlines for me. Then I make modifications as necessary. I don't always do this – only sometimes.

Rewrite My Work

Another cool thing you can do with ChatGPT has rephrased the text. Just copy and paste a paragraph, and ask the AI to rephrase it. Sometimes, it will write your text with more accuracy and clarity than you could have done on your own.

Get Topic Suggestions

I use ChatGPT to get topic suggestions for potential blog posts. It's not always perfect, but it does a great job of helping me get the basic ideas for new topics.

ChatGPT is not perfect. It has flaws, and some of its responses are not deep or human. But it's improving fast and will be better in the next few years.

6 Things You Can Do To Secure Your Job From AI

1. Develop Your Unique Voice

One of the main advantages of human writers over Al is the ability to convey emotions and create unique writing styles. To avoid being replaced by Al, focus on developing your voice and style as a writer. Try to write in a conversational tone that connects with your readers.

2. Keep Learning

Technology is rapidly advancing and evolving, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in your niche will help you stay relevant and current. Keep learning new skills, such as copywriting, SEO, and social media marketing.

3. Specialize in a Niche

Becoming an expert in a specific niche will give you a competitive edge over Al. You can identify a niche that you are passionate about and specialize in it. You can offer more value to clients with a deep understanding of a particular topic.

4. Build Relationships with Clients

Developing relationships with clients can help you retain them for a long period of time. Communicate regularly, deliver high-quality work, and try to exceed expectations. This will help establish your reputation as a reliable and skilled writer.

5. Offer Additional Services

To stand out from other writing tools, offer additional services that add value to clients, such as editing, proofreading, or content strategy. You can also provide personalized advice and guidance to clients, which Al cannot replicate.

6. Embrace Technology

Al writing tools can help freelance writers, and learning how to use them can improve work efficiency. Experiment with Al writing tools and learn how they work to improve your productivity.

Recommended: Chat GPT-4 And The Future Of E-Commerce: How AI Is Transforming Online Shopping

What's Next?

Fate is now within your grasp. 

Will you passively observe the ongoing learning and development of AI technologies? 

Or will you devise a strategy and promptly put it into action to enhance your own abilities, upgrade your skills, and acquaint yourself with the employment-boosting potential of AI resources?

Easy Answer

  • Develop your unique Voice
  • Keep Learning
  • Specialize in a Niche
  • Build Relationships with Clients
  • Offer Additional Services
  • Embrace Technology

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