Promising Freelancer Skills for the internet 3.0, blockchain cryptocurrency and NFT

Promising Freelancer Skills for the internet 3.0, blockchain cryptocurrency and NFT

What is NFT?

NFT is known as Non Fungible Tokens or NFTs is a digital token but they are different from any other digital token due to non-fungibility.

What is fungibility?

Fungibility basically implies that any item, currency, or product could be exchanged for similar units. For example, if you have a ten-dollar bill, you could get two five-dollar bills in exchange for them or just another ten-dollar bill while Non-fungible tokens are the exact opposite of that. 

Any non-fungible entity does not have any other identical equivalent with which you can exchange it. For example, a book written by a renowned author, though three could be many other copies of the book but they cannot be exchanged with the author’s original book.

Freelance skill in NFT

Simply understanding the fundamentals of NFTs and looking at the market statistics would not help you build your NFT career. NFT skill involve the creation of encoding assets in the form of smart contracts on the blockchain.

As an NFT developer, you would have to work on smart contracts therefore, you need to show your skills as an NFT creator for achieving your desired NFT career objectives. The possibilities of a candidate landing up with an NFT job depend a lot on what they can contribute to the project.

In General, different roles for people working on the NFT projects, in order to be part of the team, you need to establish your capabilities for contributing value as an NFT developer with strong command over smart contracts and programming skills. As a smart contract developer, you need to have fluency in Solidity programming language, try out your skills in dummy projects and hone them for real NFT projects.

Freelance skill for the internet 3.0, blockchain cryptocurrency

With the invention of internet, it has radically changed the world order from globalization to hyper-connectivity, and digitalization. The internet has been driving change since its inception and it is currently preparing for a paradigm shift that will arm everyday users with capabilities and computations reaching far beyond the trajectories of Web 1.0 and 2.0 combined. 

The next generation of the web, dubbed dWeb or Web 3.0, is on our doorstep a place that’s do not require permission, open-source and increasingly decentralized. The Open-source software is already changing the way the internet works for the better, with community-owned and -developed browsers like Mozilla Firefox being used around the world. Operation systems like Linux have been widespread across the tech sphere, including powering the Android platform. WordPress was responsible for the birth of self-publications, new journalism, and platforms that are now integral to keep the world informed. Open-source software, alongside its developer community and broad user bases, emphasize the importance of ensuring the internet is open and accessible to all. 

Blockchain has moved into the spotlight as one of as the hottest job skill in the freelance market. The sector has grown more than 6,000% since this time last year and it could become the new ‘cloud’ in the coming years. Here are basic blockchain developer skills needed in the internet 3.0 freelance industry:

  • Blockchain architecture: Blockchain developers should fully understand how blockchain works and the architecture on which it's based. They should be well versed in concepts such as cryptography, consensus, hash functions, distributed ledgers, smart contracts and any other concepts integral to understanding blockchain's inner workings.
  • Data structures: The entire blockchain network consists of data structures. Each block can be considered a type of data structure that clusters transactions for the public ledger. Blockchain developers must routinely work with data structures and should understand how the blockchain network uses them.
  • Cryptography: Effective cryptography is essential to providing a secure blockchain environment, and developers should have a strong foundation in cryptographic concepts and practices, including wallets, keys and digital signatures. 
  • Web development: Blockchain and web development go hand in hand, especially with blockchain's emphasis on decentralized applications. Blockchain developers should be experienced in all aspects of web development. That not only means knowing how to design and develop web applications, but also understanding the technologies that support these applications and what it takes to optimize and secure them.
  • Programming languages: Although developers can't be experts in every language, they still need to be proficient in any number of them. Some of the more common languages used for blockchain include Java, C++, Python and JavaScript.