Skills Every Freelancer Must Possess

Skills Every Freelancer Must Possess

A man who fails to plan has planned to fail. For every profession, there are certain requirements which must be put in place in order to achieve success. Freelance is not any different.

A soldier cannot go to war without adequate training as well as being protected by putting on the right armory. In the same vein, you cannot make any progress as a freelancer if you do not possess certain skills. The skills a freelancer should possess doesn't necessarily need to be inherent. Infact, most freelancing skills are learned through observation, careful research and study. I'm sure you'd be tempted to feel like you do not have what it takes to become and succeed as a freelancer. You may be struggling to come to terms with some of the freelance terminologies and you'd want to give up thinking it's impossible for you to actually become a freelancer. You don't have to worry your head my friend! Freelancers were not born with freelance skills but acquired them through learning and you too can do the same. Then you'd ask, what are those skills? I have you covered my friend! I will dutifully put you through these skills if you let me. Will you? I'm glad you're still reading up to this point because that means you've given me the go-ahead to outline those skills your freelance journey requires.

Perhaps, you are already a freelancer who's still struggling due to lack of some or all the needed skills. Worry no more! This article will help you refuel your freelance journey. Let's have a good ride friend!

1.Digital Skills

The whole world is going digital and freelancing is one of the spearheads. How do you intend to succeed as a freelancer with some outdated stone age skills? There's no possibility there. If you must become a successful freelancer, then you must possess certain digital skills. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "digital"? Do you begin to imagine it as one gigantic term that you cannot decode? Or do you think it is rocket science? Let me help you! Digital skills means very simple and basic computer and smart-phone literacy. It is just your ability to navigate through a smartphone, computer system, laptop etc. It has to do with your ability to type efficiently, use certain digital tools to make your job less tedious and your ability to easily learn something new in the shortest possible time. There's no future for you as a freelancer if you think like a giant and work like a millipede and vice versa. If you must make your thought a reality, you need to work your thought and to work your thought, you must possess digital skills. Digital skills are like oils to the wheels of freelancing, without which there'd be no successful freelance journey. Get you some digital skills today my friend!

2. Interpersonal relationship skill

How do you relate with people around your locality? Imagine someone who is not at peace with anybody around his or her locality trying to become a successful freelancer. How did that sound? That's absolutely laughable! You haven't been able to maintain a good relationship with people you can see and you want to start a freelance career? Are you trying to become an overnight magician? You see, freelance is all about building and maintaining relationships. If you cannot build and maintain healthy relationships with people you can see, how do you intend to do that with total strangers you cannot see? This is one thing you must never forget as a freelancer. Without relationships, there's no freelance. My journey as a freelancer started because a friend taught me the rudiments of freelance. Afterwards, I had to build new relationships with strangers I met on freelance Platforms before landing my first gig. Going forward, I have had to maintain these relationships for more gigs and bigger things. This is to tell you that you're not going to make any headway without cultivating the habit of building and maintaining interpersonal relationships. You must be able to make people see reasons to trust you and work with you. The reality here is that you don't have to be so much of an expert. All you need to do is, try your best and be open to learning every other day.

3. Time Management

Time management is an art. It has to be learned studiously until it becomes a skill you have mastered. The essence of time management in freelancing cannot be overemphasized. If you are one individual who struggles with keeping to time, then you have to start working on yourself. I was a notorious procrastinator until freelance happened to me. Freelance saved me from my habit of time wasting and taking too long to get things done and today, I'm a very time-conscious individual, all thanks to freelance. This is one skill you must not underestimate in your freelance journey. Lack of time management will make you lose a whole lot and freelancing does not deal kindly with people who are not good with time management.

Recommended:Benefits of time management in your freelance career

4. Organizational Skills

Can I tell you without mincing words here that a freelancer and a lousy and uncoordinated person are two parallel lines? Well, that's the truth. A freelancer cannot be a lousy and uncoordinated person and a lousy and uncoordinated person cannot be a freelancer. There are no two ways about that. You are either a freelancer or you're not. Organizational skill is the most basic skill a freelancer needs to succeed. You must be able to organize and coordinate yourself, your work and your routine. You cannot overlook this no matter who you think you are. No firm or company can thrive without good organizational management. As a freelancer, you are an independent firm and as such, your organizational management must be top-notch and spot on. Learn to properly organize yourself and your work if you really want to succeed as a freelancer. 

5. Communication Skill

There are golden words every freelancer must learn and become accustomed to. The first is "please". A good freelancer must be a good communicator and a good communicator must learn how to use the word "please". Using the please word doesn't make you less of who you are but shows how cultured and well-mannered you are. It is simple courtesy to address people politely irrespective of how angry you are at any particular time. Other words you must endeavor to add to your usage of words are "thank you". A freelancer should be grateful for every little help. When you land a gig, you should show gratitude. A client who's properly appreciated will want to always work with you. When you have a challenge during your work and the client assists you, you should be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude of every great person and gratitude is expressed using the simple but powerful words "thank you". You must learn to communicate fluently and courteously as a freelancer. The communication skill is one you should learn thoroughly because you'd be meeting clients from different countries, races and cultures. You should be able to communicate with them in a way that they are able to understand you. This will make for a seamless and successful freelance career. Other golden words you must always learn to use are "I'm sorry". The fact that you are an expert does not mean you cannot make mistakes. Whenever you make any mistake, you should apologize by saying "I'm sorry" and you should mean it. Being sorry means that you value the relationship you have with the client. A good communication will make the client keep coming back. This is a secret weapon you must never abandon.

6. Adaptability

Just as the outside world keeps undergoing continuous changes, freelance is not left out. Freelance changes could come in the form of a change in the nature of a job, a change in pattern or even the client's change in taste and choice. These things are so important that you should always look out for them. Be ready and eager always to adapt to new things that may come up in the course of your job. A client can always decide to do something in another way and it is your duty to follow suit. Being flexible as a freelancer is one of the most important skills you need. A good freelancer is one who can adapt to different situations and changing tastes of their clients to meet their every need.  Don't be a stagnant and never-changing freelancer. Sometimes you should come up with better ideas and ways of doing things and present them to the client. In that way, you'd be a proactive freelancer sweeping the client off his feet. 

Recommended:5 Tips To Fuel Your Passion For Freelance Work

7. Social media skills

If your ideology about social media is to waste time, laugh at posts and make jokes, then you are not yet ready to be a freelancer. Social media is a veritable tool that can be used to achieve so much as a freelancer. You could advertise your skills on social media, meet and interact with great minds. This is one area every freelancer must harness passionately. Social media has become the hub of skill display, job hunt, relationship building and business visibility. As a freelancer, you must leverage the opportunities that are everywhere on social media to improve yourself, increase your job-drive and output. This is one skill you must never joke with. 

8. Innovation and Invention skills

How do you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result? It is completely impossible and you know it. Aside from the fact that you'd not make any serious progress, you'd agree with me that you will become tired of what you do with time. Therefore being innovative and inventive is very essential as a freelancer. Innovation and invention skills will help you to keep improving and making your job easier, better, faster and more fun. That's the whole essence! You really should always be thinking of better ways of doing something instead of sticking to one usual pattern. Be creative and smart enough to know when to change a particular method. This will increase your productivity, increase your chances of satisfying the client and make you enjoy your job more. 


I'm sure you're beginning to imagine how successful your freelance career will become after you've applied what you just finished reading. I'm happy for you! In addition to that, I'd advise you to always know the right place to get your information and of course you can learn so much being at UpMyChain because this remains the best freelance platform for a successful freelance career. 

Congratulations! I'm delighted to inform you that you're now armed to the teeth to begin or continue your freelance journey. If you found this article helpful, please do well to leave a comment using the comment box below. Do have a great and fulfilling freelance career! See you at the top! 

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