Top 5 Learning Processes Of Freelance

Top 5 Learning Processes Of Freelance

There is a saying that some were born great, some achieved greatness while there are those who had greatness thrust upon them. Using this analogy to interpret freelance, I'd ask, how do you think freelance success can be achieved? Do you think you'd be sleeping and wake up a successful freelancer or you think the knowledge will be passed over to you as an inheritance? The reality is that we learn how to become and succeed as a freelancers. You may want to ask the following questions; what's the learning process of freelance? Where's the learning environment for freelance? How can one learn freelance?

These questions are all valid and will lead you to the truth. This article will be giving a complete exposition on learning freelance. 

1. Freelance Learning Environment

The first step to knowing to do freelance is to understand and recognize the learning environment of freelance. By learning environment, we mean that place where freelance knowledge can be acquired. This may seem weird considering that freelance is not a formal education scheme but the reality is that there are specific places where one can actually learn to freelance. You cannot learn freelance from a physical work environment. That's impossible! A physical work environment ensures that your entire time spent there is utilized completely in pursuing the goals of the corporate organization. There's virtually no room for personal growth and any other form of personal learning. Every knowledge available in a physical work setting is geared towards teaching you how to do what the firm specializes in and nothing else. To become a freelancer and succeed as one, you need to understand that the basic learning environment for freelance is the internet. How conversant are you with the internet? For a person who does not know how to navigate through the internet, freelance is definitely not for you. Freelance exists because of and thrives through the internet. Without the internet, there's no freelance. If there's no internet, there wouldn't be freelance in the first place. Tell me how it would have been possible for you to interact with and work for clients who are in faraway countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas and other continents of the world if not through the internet? The internet which is the short form of international network makes freelance possible and it is the first and basic learning environment for every freelancer. It is through the internet that you can attend a training that is being held in a city or country where you don't reside. It is through the internet that you can interact with a fellow freelancer who can put you through even though they are not physically present with you. The internet makes it possible for every freelancer to grow in their chosen niche and become experts in the shortest possible time.

Therefore it is important you know that the first learning process of freelance is to identify with and know how to make the most use of the internet. The internet is not only used for chatting, watching videos and other fun activities. The internet has become a school and a learning platform where you can acquire so many skills, knowledge and experiences. The internet is the first point of call for a freelancer. 

2. UpMyChain Freelance Marketplace

Have you ever heard of learning on the job? UpMyChain makes that possible very easily. UpMyChain is a very unique freelance platform that gives you an opportunity to grow while working for clients. It is really sad to know that most freelance platforms are only in existence for expert freelancers who already know how to freelance. The question is, what happens to those who are still trying to learn freelance while having work opportunities? You see why it is important to have platforms that make learning possible. A good freelance platform like UpMyChain is a form of learning process and training ground for freelancers. The good thing is that you have the opportunity to land jobs at UpMyChain even as a newbie as there are readily available sources of help and assistance. After all, practice, they say, makes perfect. If you are really serious about learning how to become and succeed as a freelancer and you are yet to join UpMyChain, then you are really taking a risk that's not worth it. The best bet for every freelancer is to join UpMyChain and enjoy the dividends therein. Freelance has grown in leaps and bounds and no one should sit idly and watch this opportunity pass them by. You wish to learn freelance? My answer is simple; join UpMyChain.

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3. Meet And Interact With Other Freelancers

There's a common saying that a tree cannot make a forest. You must understand that you can't get to the very peak of freelance without networking with other freelancers. This may sound silly but that's the reality. There are schools of medicine, engineering, law, architecture and the likes but there's no school of freelance anywhere in the world. Why? The reason is that these professions can all be found in freelance. The school of freelance has do with you, the internet and your interaction with other freelancers. The most important aspect of communication in freelance comes from being able to communicate right. This means that you are able to discuss and learn freelance together. Freelancers talk about movies and games and at the end of the day, they learn something new that would help their freelance careers further. Every interaction with a fellow freelancer should be make you a better freelancer than you were before the discussion.

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4. Self Assessment

You cannot learn when you barely sit back and assess yourself. Do you ever find out what you're doing badly or you must wait for a client to point it out? A freelancer who wants to succeed must learn to assess himself or herself from time to time. Always go back to what you have done and find out where you should improve. Learning never ends and there's no perfection anywhere. However, we get closer and closer to perfection when we are able to check ourselves and work on areas that need to be worked on. If there's something to be changed, change it. If there's a new development to implement, implement it. If you are doing very well, consolidate on it. Don't ever relax and let things go bad. Endeavour to do what has to be done always and always.

5. Request Feedback

Do you just want to work and get paid without looking out for criticism or appraisals? That will be a very wrong approach to follow as a freelancer. If you must learn, grown and succeed in freelance, you should learn to request for feedback from clients. Ask them to tell you the truth regarding what you have done. The good should be noted and consolidated on while the bad should be improved. That's the way to learn and grow.

Easy Answers

  1. Freelance learning environment
  2. UpMyChain freelance marketplace
  3. Meet and interact with other freelancers
  4. Self assessment
  5. Request feedback

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