Top 5 Ways On How To Learn From Other Experts

Top 5 Ways On How To Learn From Other Experts

The expert freelancer did not become one overnight. There's no voodoo or magic responsible for achieving expertise in the world of freelancing. Every inroad one makes towards becoming an expert freelancer involves hardwork and patience. Not one freelancer became an expert on his or her own. If we all agree that freelancing is a continuous learning process, then how do freelancers learn? If we all agree that there's no specialized school that teaches freelancing, then what's the medium of freelance education?

Let's begin with my freelance journey. When I first heard about freelancing, I was excited because it sounded really nice and cool. My interest was absolutely piqued and I knew that this is exactly what I'd love to do. But I didn't have any idea on how to go about it. My first instinct was to quickly do research online. I started researching and the results only showed me everything about freelance. The more I researched, the more I got to know about freelancing. Unfortunately, much as I was told about freelancing, I wasn't told anything about how to actually go about doing freelance. In other words, they were only scratching the surface. I only got from my research the meaning, importance and essence of freelancing. I got to know the various platforms available for freelance and even the payment options available. In all this, I was not taught the "how". I didn't get to know how to actually become a freelancer. This gave me a whole lot of troubles and concerns. I was wondering where I'd have to go to actually learn freelance. I felt the available search engines would do justice to that, but nothing worthwhile was forthcoming. I wanted to give up on freelance. I almost came to the conclusion that only magicians could successfully become freelancers because I was struggling to find a lead to becoming one. It was in this state of confusion that I met a freelance expert. How lucky I was! My freelance journey began when I met this expert. Let me categorically tell you that your journey as a freelancer will only start when you have someone to learn from. Freelancing does not exist in isolation. This expert firstly asked me to observe him. According to him, I should be able to see what he's doing and try to replicate the same. That was the very beginning. My biggest blessing too was finding UpMyChain; the best freelance platform.

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In this article, I will be writing on the ways through which you can learn from other freelance experts. Do not ever try to do freelancing alone. It hasn't never worked for anyone that way and cannot start working today. Since there's no school for freelancers, then we learn to learn from others who are ahead of us. The continuous process of learning in freelance means that you must keep being in touch with fellow freelancers. If you want to succeed as a freelancer and become another expert, then you have to follow these guidelines on how to learn from other experts. Learning from them will be vital to your successful freelance career.

1.Observe Other Experts

The first and most common method of learning from other experts is through observation. Freelancers are not dummies but smartheads who are very careful, watchful and extremely observant. When a freelancer gets into a new place, he begins to watch closely how things are done there. He tries to observe the behaviour of those who are there before him and he's able to spot the successful ones. Then he concentrates on the successful ones and tries to find out how they are doing their thing. This is what you must mimic as a freelancer. If you want to succeed, you must begin to observe other freelance experts around you. When you join new platforms, go to the profiles of other experts there and observe them. Be able to find out what they do and why they are able to land jobs. Don't sit on the fence trying to do things all by yourself. Be vigilant, observant and smart in finding out what others are doing right; then imitate them. 

2. Ask Questions From Other Experts

An Igbo adage says that anyone who loves asking questions can never miss his way. This is the truest statement you'd ever find anywhere. If you happen to find yourself in a new place, you can only find your way around till you get to your destination by asking questions. The moment you become coy and indifferent towards meeting people to ask for directions, you stand the risk of missing your way. This is also applicable to freelancing. Freelancing is a new world and as a beginner, you are a stranger in this new world. You cannot find your way around until you ask questions. The most important decision a freelancer will make is to take the bold step of questioning anything and everything. Those you think that are ahead of you, ask them questions. Don't ever assume anything as a freelancer. Assumption like they say is the lowest form of knowledge. You cannot get to a new place and then decide to assume that the right hand side is the way to your destination. That will be utter folly! Freelancers don't succeed by assumption. We succeed by learning from those who are doing better than us and we learn by asking questions. No matter how silly your question sounds, please ask. Don't relent in asking questions for clarity. That will be your safest ticket to success as a freelancer. 

3. Do What You Have Observed From Other Experts 

Practice they say makes perfect. If you have observed other experts and you don't try to do what they are doing, then you have done absolutely nothing. It is one thing to learn and another thing to apply what you've learnt. You don't just observe other freelance experts and nod your head. No! You instead start doing what you have observed from them. Freelance does not harbour nor reward idle minds and hands. In freelance, you must be up and doing. You don't fold your arms and watch other experts do their thing. You join them instead. By doing what you saw them do, you'll eventually be said to learn from them. You have not learnt anything until you practice. Do what you see and if you fail, you keep trying. 

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4. Do What Other Experts Tell You To Do

No matter how silly an idea sounds, provided it is coming from a freelance expert, please go ahead and do it. Sometimes, while asking questions from experts, they will tell you to do something that you'll find funny and strange. In your natural mind, you'll want to object. But remember, this is freelance; a new world. Everything here doesn't have to appeal to your natural reasoning, but you have to accept and do it. Don't argue or complain. If you want to be successful as a freelancer, then do whatever the expert tells you to do. You can only learn when you do what you are asked to do. As a sojourner, no matter how much you enjoy driving towards the right, if you get to a new place and you are directed to keep moving leftwards, then you should. As a freelancer, follow the instructions of the expert you're learning from. That's your surest bet to succeed. 

5. Go The Extra Mile

This is the most interesting aspect of learning as a freelancer. As much as freelance experts will be kind enough to teach you all you need to know, just bear it in mind that nobody will be ready to spoon-feed you. You are not a baby and when you decide to become a freelancer, the assumption is that you have the ability to use your discretion. When the expert tells you to do something, try to do more for your own sake. Always try to explore further. That's the best way to learn. Sometimes the expert will want to know how smart you are and they will ask you to do something little while expecting you to do more. When you use your discretion, you'll easily do a lot more without being told. By doing this, you'll even start doing better than your teacher. Don't sit and wait to be told everything before you try. Always do something on your own. Learn to go the extra mile. Remember nobody knows it all. So from exploring, you might as well become better than the expert you're learning from and that's the apex of success as a freelancer.

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