
Write Edit Upgrade your Resume CV Cover Letter LinkedIn

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Have you been relentlessly applying for jobs just to hear nothing back?


Job hunting can be most people’s worst nightmare, you spend valuable time writing a CV and cover letter that you felt sure would nail it. Just to hear nothing back and no feedback to say where you could’ve improved.


I have been writing professional CVs for the last 5 years, helping people land the jobs they most desire.

A CV is something that needs to be individually tailored to each job or sector you are applying for, as most employers today use ATS or similar software to scan through applicants for them. Meaning your CV might never reach another human's eyes!


Let me help you get noticed and past this pesky gatekeeper!


Please note: All my work is provided in a business professional, text-only format and provided on Microsoft word. Please make sure you are ok with this before placing an order.


This is done to ensure you have the best possible chances, as Microsoft word is the most widely accepted file format for employers and ATS systems around the world.

Buyer Requirement

Please chat with me before placing an order.

(WhatsApp +923402345455)


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