Easy Tips To Getting Started As A Freelancer

Easy Tips To Getting Started As A Freelancer

Nothing good comes easy. If wishes were horses, beggers will ride. For me, those who think life is a bed of roses have never been faced with difficulties. The challenge is that you so much desire to become a freelancer but do not know how to go about it. Freelance has become a point of reference when people talk about jobs. The influx of new freelancers shows that people have really started knowing the value of freelance. The COVID-19 pandemic dealt many people a difficult blow that it was hard to come out of the shock. That shows that life is full of ups and downs. The most unimaginable things happen when we least expected them. All we can do is be ready to face any issue that arises. When you decide to try something new, many people and factors will discourage you. You keep thinking about what you'd do in the event of failure. You are overwhelmed with worry that you don't even know what else to do. Are you trying to do freelance and this is your challenge? Worry no more! This article was specially designed to address your dilemma. What you cannot possibly achieve is only what you think you cannot. My best ideology is that one has to something against all odds. Don't fold your arms and expect freelance to be kind to you. There are people who started freelance and they did not land your gig until they decided to quit. My goal here is to give you tips that would give you an entirely different and better experience. Freelance is like a tree. It only grew because the seeds were planted. The seeds here are the freelance tips you'd be reading from this article. Having a clear sight of what you want to do gives you the first progressive step. I do not wish to bore you but these tips will be very useful to you in your freelance career. Freelancing is one of the easiest things to do if you have the relevant tips. Let's look at them.

  • Become a true freelancer
  • Join UpMyChain
  • Build a portfolio
  • Give your time to freelance
  • Build a network

1. Become A True Freelancer


There are certain things that are common with freelancers. You have to know these things and have them. A freelancer is not just anyone who says they are freelancers. Freelancers show that they are indeed freelancers through their lifestyle. There are things freelancers are known for and you must become known for them before you can fully kickstart your freelance journey.

Who is a true freelancer? A true freelancer is a Individual who is known for the following:

  • Possession of skills hot in demand: A freelancer must as a matter of fact have the skills that clients are looking for. This is very common with freelancers and if you don't have any of these skills, then you are not a true freelancer yet and that means you are not ready to begin your freelance career.
  • Be a professional: Freelancers are generally professionals. No, they were not born that way. They became freelancers by constant training and self improvement. This is what a true freelancer must be known for. You are supposed to act like a professional, talk like a professional and get jobs done as a professional.
  • Time consciousness: Freelancers know how to manage and control their time. It is a virtue that every true freelancer has painstakingly learnt and imbibed without regrets. A true freelancer is known for judicious use of time and ability to make the most use of every available time.
  • Decision making: True freelancers are good decision makers. They are known for being able to walk away when they should. They take decisions that are going to enhance their freelance career always.

2. Join UpMyChain

You really haven't started your freelance journey fully until you join UpMyChain freelance marketplace. UpMyChain offers you the privilege to express yourself as a freelancer, meet and interact with clients from different parts of the world, land and deliver jobs, improve your freelance skills and gain lots of experiences and exposures. To get started, you should visit UpMyChain.com, sign up and set up your profile. Your profile should detail your skills and availability showing the clients reasons they should hire you. To become a better and successful freelancer, you must join UpMyChain platform.

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3. Build A Portfolio

You must build a freelance portfolio that would help you stand out and be unique. The best freelancers are those who have been able to carve out a niche for themselves. They are able to make themselves seen whenever clients are in need of freelancers. Be very good at what you do, deliver great jobs and earn reviews. These reviews will help your course and project you to clients. You have to build a viable freelance portfolio that will be most sought after among clients and freelancers alike. Your portfolio is a combination of your reviews and results of jobs done. It is a clearer projection of your freelance profile. This gives you better opportunities.

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4 Give Your Time To Freelance

Freelance needs your time. Make out time to give proper attention to your freelance career. Freelancing rewards those who make out time for it. The idea behind freelancing is dependent on time and focus. Freelance needs your attention and time if you are to succeed as a freelancer. Most freelance strugglers are those who give very little time to freelance but expect big results. This shouldn't be you. You have to give enough time and attention to freelancing if you are going to become better at what you do.

5. Build A Network

Your network should be built closely such that your circle is made up of only those who have such motives as you. A circle made up of like-minded people will define your freelance career and ensure you make good progress. Building a network with fellow freelancers gives you the opportunity to learn and share ideas. Other people's experiences are great chances to learn. 

Easy Answers

  1. Become a true freelancer
  2. Join UpMyChain
  3. Build a portfolio
  4. Give your time to freelance
  5. Build a network

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