The Most Important Freelance Tips You'd Ever Find

The Most Important Freelance Tips You'd Ever Find

During my first year in college, there was a special program organized for the freshmen on campus. The essence of the program was to intimate the new intakes on the modus operandi of the school. This program was held for one week where the organizers extensively talked about what we should do and what we shouldn't do, what is expected of us and how we can excel academically in the school. It was a very tiring exercise such that many new intakes like myself lost interest and stopped attending the program. At the end of the day, they missed useful tips that would have aided their stay in college and help them excel academically and otherwise. Most of them ended up in regrets when the time of reckoning came. I am trying to relate this story with freelance. If anyone has ever told you that freelance is a system where you do whatever you like, then they have lied to you. Don't be like some of my colleagues who stopped attending the program for freshmen in college and ended up in regrets. If you must do freelance, there are important tips you should have at the back of your mind. In this article, I'll show you these tips. Don't sleep on them. 

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Table Of Contents

  • Health tips
  • Social tips
  • Physical tips
  • Mental tips
  • Dedication tips
  • Job tips

1. Health Tips

It is really sad to know that there are many freelancers who don't really care so much about their health. You really should sit back and analyze freelance so you'd understand the place of your well-being in freelance. Freelance work system means that you'd have to sit down at a place for long hours. It means you'd have to stay back at home and work. Now, understand that the human body requires movement.

The human body needs regular exercise and release of toxic wastes like sweat. So, it means you have to follow certain healthy tips that may not necessarily be the conventional one you're used to. Since others leave home for work everyday while you stay back to work, your health lifestyle has to be more serious and intentional. Do the following

  •  Drink enough water always
  • Engage in regular exercise
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Eat fruits more
  • Make out time to listen to cool music
  • Go for regular check up
  • Treat yourself whenever you notice signs of sickness
  • Don't overwork
  • Don't overthink
  • Be flexible
  • Travel
  • Dress well
  • Smell nice
  • Be yourself and take special care of yourself
  • Play games and have fun


2. Social Tips

Most freelancers are of the opinion that they are supposed to be cut off from reality and the physical world in order to meet up to their freelance goals. This is really not so. A freelancer should be able to balance work with other social aspects of their lives. The fact that you are a freelancer does not mean you can't have a good social life. Infact, having a healthy social life enhances your freelance career and makes it easier for you to achieve your freelance goals.

You must learn to have a great social life. You should make time to go to clubs, go for a drink, visit friends, make new friends, go on dates and attend different social functions. They help you get a better relief and prepare you for a more productive freelance lifestyle. Don't be a loner. Freelance is not a call to isolation. You are not a COVID-19 patient. Socialize. Have fun. Enjoy your social life.

3. Physical Tips

As a freelancer, you must not ignore your physical look. You can be a successful freelancer and still look really hot. Yes you can! You can be a great freelancer and still look physically fit and strong. It's about your mindset. Get involved in taking good care of yourself. Be intentional about and look after your physical appearance. You can do your makeup, have a nice haircut, hit the gym or join a beauty program. There's nothing stopping you. Feel free to improve your physical looks and enjoy the process. Exercise your body, maintain a good weight and stay fit. These things have effects on your freelance performance and it's sad that many freelancers do not actually know.

A successful freelancer should not be overweight or underweight. Stay physically fit at all times.

4. Mental Tips

Have you ever been told that whenever you stop learning then you start dying? Well, now you know. You must do well to keep yourself mentally sharp, open and ready to learn and try new things. Your smartness is directly proportional to your ability to keep learning. Don't think you've gotten to a certain height in freelance and then you stop studying, learning and making research. To keep your brain active, you must continue to study, research and try learn things. The human brain can retain everything that goes in there. Don't limit your mental capacity. Keep increasing the capability of your brain through continuous learning and improvement. The brain hates to lie fallow. You must always engage your brain. Brainstorm, research, study and learn, unlearn and relearn.

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5. Dedication Tips

Learn to be highly motivated, involved and dedicated to freelance. Your dedication level will determine your success in freelance. A freelancer who takes more time online learning about his or her skill will most likely do better than another who doesn't care about that. Change they say is constant and realistically, change is present everywhere. In freelance, certain skills keep undergoing changes repeatedly. If your skill is changing, you should be changing with it too. Don't be left behind. Be dedicated to what you do so you'd always know when there are changes. Dedication will help you know when to change a particular pattern or whether to continue with that pattern. Dedication puts you on a front foot and makes you stay on top of your game. This is what every freelancer must know. Put yourself wholly into what you do and you'd end up doing great as a freelancer. To pursue a successful freelance career, you should join UpMyChain freelance marketplace.

6. Job Tips

The following are the job tips you must know:

  • Go for jobs within your niche. This means go for a job you can perfectly do. A graphic designer will struggle with a writing job and vice versa. Don't go for a job because the pay is looking too good even when you don't possess the skills needed for the job
  • Write good proposals for jobs within your niche. Your proposal should be tailored to the client's need
  • When you land any job, use every arsenal at your disposal to carry it out and ensure it comes out perfectly. Deliver great jobs and services to clients and ensure they are satisfied.
  • Be timely. Deliver jobs and services at the agreed time. Don't keep clients waiting for long. It's best to deliver jobs and services ahead of schedule instead of being behind schedule.

Easy Answers

  1. Health tips
  2. Social tips
  3. Physical tips
  4. Mental tips
  5. Dedication tips
  6. Job tips

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