Top 5 Mindset For Successful Freelancing

Top 5 Mindset For Successful Freelancing

The success of every human starts from the mind. The mind harbours every great idea until they become reality. You cannot make headway without having the right mindset. Your mind controls your life and determines to a large extent what you become. You already know that as you think, so you become. The holy book posits that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. You can never go above your mindset. If you have a mindset that is lowly, you'll only do little things. On the contrary, having a mindset that thinks big and great things will propel you to success. This is applicable to every human endeavour. There's always room for doubt and uncertainty. But why should you dwell on that? If you want to eat a good meal, instead of imagining how difficult it'd be to get the needed ingredients, why not think of how to actually get them? You can see the difference in mindset. A poor man worries about getting things done whereas a wealthy man thinks on how to actually get things done. There's no success that happened overnight. Every good success starts from the mind because the mind nourishes each thought and brings them to fruition. Greatness is birthed in the mind. 

There is no greater truth than the fact that your mindset determines everything that happens to you and comes your way. You cannot run away from this reality. As a freelancer, what is your thinking like? What sort of mindset do you have? A successful freelancer first attains success in his mind before it becomes reality. If you think you can succeed as a freelancer, then you can. Similarly, if you think freelancing is impossible for you, then it is. There's nothing you can do when your mind is already occupied with negativity and doubt. 

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Freelancing can be the easiest job in the world and at the same time, the hardest job in the world. It all depends on your mindset. What do you think you can do very well as a freelancer? Why do you think there's nothing you can do very well in freelancing? These are questions that will shape your journey in the freelance marketplace. When you have decided that you really want to be a freelancer, then you should begin to think like one. Be very mindful and stay away from those who tell you freelancing is difficult. They are not helping you. They will only succeed in moving your mindset towards negative thoughts about success in freelancing. Listen, there are thought processes that determine success in freelancing. In this article, I will be giving you a breakdown of the top five mindset every freelancer must possess in order to succeed in their freelance journey. Don't sleep on any of them because this is going to be a great ride. 

1.The "I Can Do It" Mindset

If you must succeed as a freelancer, you must first believe that you can do whatever you put your mind to. This is the very beginning of success in freelancing. A successful freelancer has a firm belief and confidence in himself or herself. There's no magic that can change anything when you already concluded that you cannot do something. A freelancer who is interested in doing very well in this chosen career must strive to be able to do what is asked of them. Doing this starts from having a positive mindset that continually says " I Can Do It". The day you start having doubts about your ability will mark the beginning of your downfall as a freelancer. Always tell yourself that you are the smartest person in the world. All the freelancers you know who are doing well have one thing in common - they believe in themselves. If you must succeed as a freelancer, then believe you can do it. Believe you can be a successful freelancer. Believe you can meet the client's demands. Believe you can return quality and satisfactory jobs. This should be your very first step as a freelancer. 

2. The "I Can Learn From Anybody" Mindset

There are freelancers who started out and achieved success in a few months. Some took a year while there are those who took longer. There are freelancers who are barely one year into freelancing and they are already doing better than some who have been freelancers for years. The difference here depends on the individual. My interest here is that you must develop a mindset that doesn't care about how long someone has been freelancing before learning from them. Have the mindset that is willing and eager to learn from anybody irrespective of age, race, duration in freelance, sex and education. If a teacher can learn from a student, then there's nobody you cannot learn from. Have an open mind when you come across other freelancers. Don't look down on anybody because in freelance, we learn continuously since no one knows it all. Interestingly, freelancers are successful because they learn from just anybody they come across, even non-freelancers. 

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3. The "I Can Learn Anywhere And Anytime" Mindset

A successful freelancer does not place a limit on where and when he or she can learn. If there's something to be learnt, a freelancer will be willing to learn it even very early in the morning or late into the night. Freelancers are people who are in continuous pursuit of knowledge, exposure and experience. A freelancer wants to do and be better than before. Therefore, he doesn't care about where he is learning something from or the timeframe. A freelancer can learn online or offline. A freelancer can learn from engaging in chit chat or serious discussions. We do not place limits at all. If you also want to succeed as a freelancer, then do not place any limits regarding where you learn and when you learn. It is one thing to be willing to learn and another thing entirely to be only willing to learn when it is convenient. If you want to succeed as a freelancer, then you must be willing and open to learn at any point in time and anywhere. This means that you as a freelancer stands to learn on the job. So you learn before working on a task, while working on a task and even after working on a task. Learning in freelance is a continuous cycle. It has no beginning nor end. 

4. The "I Can Learn From Any Situation" Mindset

A failure runs away when he or she is faced with difficulty. Freelancing is definitely not a bed of roses but you can succeed when you learn to learn from both the good and the bad situations. There are times when the client will be dissatisfied with your job. Instead of getting angry, you should learn from that incident. Find out why the client is not satisfied and adjust accordingly. In doing so, you have learnt something new. Do not only accept praises and commendations. Be open to criticisms and corrections and learn from them. That's what makes you better as a freelancer. Don't expect everything to be all rosy and cozy everytime. There will come difficult times and difficult situations. You must be able to handle them wisely and learn. When the going is tough, the freelancer learns to do better and when the going is smooth, the freelancer keeps learning. Learn from good moments as well instead of just basking in the euphoria that you are doing well. Don't be complacent. Learn from every situation.

5. The "I Can Do Better And Better Until I Become The Best" Mindset

Don't rest on your soars, keep going. The biggest mindset you'd have for success as a freelancer is to keep believing that you can always do better until you become the very best. Don't ever think that you have arrived. There's no room for such a lazy man's mindset. As a freelancer, you cannot stop learning because that will amount to death. Only a dead person stops learning because it is said that learning never ends. Are you interested in becoming a successful freelancer? If yes, then you must develop the mindset of trying to get better everyday. The more you improve, the more your chances of becoming the best of your kind. That will be an expressway to becoming successful as a freelancer. I'd like to draw the curtain here. I'm glad you read up to this point. It simply means you are indeed destined to succeed as a freelancer. As a freelancer, the best platform to practice remains UpMyChain. If you found this article helpful, do well to leave a comment using the comment box below. Thank you!

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